Our Vision

The aim of Waerenga School is for all our learners to be successful, confident, life-long learners, and to have the skills to fully participate in their families, their whānau and their communities. We want all our learners to make a positive contribution to society and the economy. 

Waerenga School is a friendly, helpful and caring school where everyone is able to feel safe and happy, in which quality teaching and learning can occur.

We aim to teach our students the attitudes, knowledge, understandings and skills they need to continue learning throughout their lives.

Our students, our staff, our Board of Trustees, our parents and our community are all part of the amazing Waerenga whanau. Together we make Waerenga School the best little school on the planet.

We will all gain a lot from the school and each other if we behave in the Waerenga Way

Our Mission Statement

'Make Yourself Proud'

Our Values