Kia Ora, Talofa, Kumusta
Welcome to Waerenga School
Waerenga School is a rural school approximately 14km east of Te Kauwhata. We cater for students from Years 0 - 6. Our school motto is "Make Yourself Proud", and this filters throughout all staff and tamariki.
It is with a huge amount of pride that I take on the role of Principal.
We have a dedicated and stable staff who work above and beyond for all their students making this school a successful place for everyone to reach their own potential.
Our School focus is to foster the characteristics of being resilient, reliable, and resourceful in all that we do.
In my spare time I love to visit my whanau, work in the garden and keep fit.
If you would like to learn more about our amazing rural school and what we offer, please email a time to come and experience ourselves in action.
Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi.
He toa takitini
My strength is not that as an individual but as a collective.
Gina Rosendaal, Principal