PTA - Parents and Teachers Association

The Waerenga School PTA (Parent Teacher Association) is a voluntary group of parents, plus staff and BOT representatives. 

 The Waerenga School Parent & Teachers Association is a great way to get involved in the school and helps to give parents a voice within the school.  We fundraise for school projects, trips and other things for the school that the children might not get without the fundraising.


We have a Waerenga School PTA Facebook page that we encourage parents to join as it’s a great form of communication between the PTA, School & Parents.  We hold meetings monthly and welcome any new members!


The PTA is voluntary but rewarding when you see the great things that the school gets to benefit from being a part of it.


PTA supply “school lunches” for all students every Friday. This is where you can purchase lunch for your child on this day. Lunch forms are available in the School Office. Items range from Mini Pies, Quiches, Sausage Rolls, Yoghurts, Juicies etc.

Our Aims

Our aims are:

The PTA welcomes new and enthusiastic members. Come along to a meeting and find out how you can get involved. Not only will you be helping out your school, being a part of the PTA is a wonderful way to get to know the families within your community.

Our meetings are held monthly in the school staffroom, please join and follow our Facebook page, ‘Waerenga School PTA’ for regular updates on meetings and PTA activities.

President – Sophie  Faamaile           
Vice President –  Becky Nicholson                                                                   

Secretary – Tammy Adams

Treasurer – May Bothma

Friday Lunches

The PTA offers school lunches every Friday (unless notified).

The lunch order is selected by writing the number of items on the order form against the item required, then placing the form, with money in a ziplock bag (correct change wherever possible is appreciated).

The order forms can be printed (as below), or they can be picked up with ziplock bags from the school office. The form and money in the ziplock bag is then placed in the marked box in the foyer of the school office before 9am on the Friday. Any change and replacement forms when requested are sent home with your child in the ziplock bag. All proceeds from school lunches go to the PTA.

Lunch Order Form